yippee yai yay kai yo..I'm up and running. I'm loving this class but I just missed a whole bunch that she said while setting this thing up. We need to become experts on something? Wonder what it was? She moves quick, which i suppose is sort of appropriate for this class. Web 2.0 moves hella fast...I'm just learning about it and it's already 3.0 time. I know, it's just a semantic game but a frantic game nonetheless. I must admit I'm a little excited to actually be learning something that seems quite useful for a change. I love the combination of cultural anthropology and social technology that this program seems to be. I really enjoyed the "what do you think Web 2.0 is?" game and I'm glad we did it. I usually hate those poster exercises but that was a useful overview and it helped to point out the vagueness of the term. I realize I'm no more in the dark or illuminated about this concept than anyone else around me. And I really enjoyed the "cynic" in our group. His "don't believe the hype" perspective was an interesting take on the whole thing.
As always, my goal with this program is to become a better teacher. If it can help me reach my crackbooked, myspaced, students then it is time well spent. If it changes the paradigm of my classroom, then it is the best use of my time possible.
And thats the end of my first blog entry ever.